Memory Loss

In the elderly, Neurological Dysregulation Syndrome is expressed in the form of cognitive deficits such as memory loss; however this dysregulation goes beyond memory loss in that it involves every biological function in the body.  BrainCore Therapy will enhance memory, improve sleeping patterns and provide a proven vehicle for maintaining neurological performance at an optimal level at any age.

Memory is very complex and a little mysterious. There is a lot to know about the way one can organize a lifetime of memories. Research has helped clarify several missing elements in the traditional three-stage memory model. We can now understand the way information is changed as it is encoded, stored and then later retrieved. These three processes can be described similarly to the memory of a computer.

The first step to remembering a piece of information is encoding. It is the process of translating information into neural codes that will be retained in memory.

The second step is to store it. Storage is the process of retaining neural coded information over time.

The third step in memory is retrieval. It is the process of recovering information from memory storage. Retrieval requires searching and locating the appropriate information and bringing it out of storage, into conscious awareness where it can be used.

Memory and Neuroplasticity
Each of these processes requires strong synaptic connections between neurons that are communicating this information to different areas of the brain.  The efficiency of the pathways involved in memory is affected by a process known as Neuroplasticity.  The concept of Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the nervous system to change or reshape in response to how often a particular pathway is used.  The three phases of memory; encoding, storage, and retrieval require strong neuroplastic synapses.

The problem is the ability to open new nerve junctions between neurons deminishes every day as brains cells die.  Our nervous system finds it harder to transmit the signals efficiently and we start to have trouble encoding, storing and retrieving. Neurological Dysregulation Syndrome is expressed in the form of cognitive deficits such as memory loss; however this dysregulation goes beyond memory loss in that it involves every biological function in the body.  BrainCore Therapy will enhance memory, improve sleeping patterns and provide a proven vehicle for maintaining neurological performance at an optimal level at any age.



Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Call now to schedule an appointment.